Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Good Neighbors

My next door neighbor, whose house is on the market (so sad--they're good neighbors, very important when you share a wall with them), shoveled part of my sidewalk for me.

We had chit-chatted earlier while she was working on her sidewalks and I was taking the dogs out for a walk. Of course, my use of the cane came up since I just recently got it and I don't always use it when I'm walking to/from the house. I was sitting in my home office working away on a proposal when I heard shoveling noises very near. I looked out and my neighbor was shoveling shoveling part of my sidewalk so that I can make it safely to the car from the house. She also shoveled our other neighbor's walkway for her (that neighbor is an older widow in poor health).

I will have to bake some cookies or something. It was quite sweet of her, and I truly appreciate her thoughtfulness.

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